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Автор Pavel Tukabaev, Grigoriy Tukabaev   
04.02.2013 г.
Modern Humanitarian Academy (Moscow, Novorossiysk branch)

The modern practice of health care, history of medicine and development of the theoretical framework of Medicine show that the main issue of achieving and preservation of health (including diagnostic and treatment technologies – DTT) is defined by the individual whos health is being preserved. This becomes the question of who owns the health?. If a person is insane, handicapped or helpless, which means they are unable to look after their health or to be responsible for it, in this instance, autorized person or entities should take the responsibility for them. In all other cases, the individual is the owner of his health. Even specialists of special risk units are not able to write off the consequences of their activities to the entity with whom they have signed the contract for work to be performed or work circumstances.
Search of cause and effect relationships which seemed the basis of Medicine, have acquired a highly specialized character before our eyes. Since this relationships (both the cause and the effect) converge on one subject of health, it means that the source of pathological conditions and diseases of a human is themself (there activities, actions and decisions made by them). Impact on cause and effect relationships of disease and disease states occurrence and course by medical community, increasingly reduced to the strict observance of medical technology (“do no harm” – from medical traditions) in diagnostic and treatment process DTP.
Special coloring the solution of the main issue of Medicine acquires in legislative part, which determine the interaction of individuals and entities in DTP. The recently enacted Federal Law of Russia Federation from 21st. November 2011 N 323-FZ “About basics of Russian citizens health protection”, unnaturally reduces the role of the subject to role of the consumer of some paid services in Medicine. Nothing to do with the ratio of insurance and paid medicine, we are talking about a humans responsibility for there own health. If we avoid or ignore the solution of the main issue, then one day the solution of the questions who is to die, who and how to live, who is sick – will be under the responsibility of officials. That means the collapse of human society in its modern sense. An alarming sign is there isn’t any word about the subject of the health even in UN WHO constitution’s definition of health, and the understanding of the health at the human level is reduced to a set of averaged physiological indicators. Individual, group, regional, public health - all this concepts blur the responsibility of the subject for its health. The most modern Technologies cannot bring the full effect without the subject’s participation in DTP, and the forced “informed consent” of the subject to treatment which mutilates, generally cannot make the doctor successful. 
Some reasons to enhance the role of the subject in resolving DTP issues:
1. The emergence of new efficient methods for impacting on the human condition.
2. The development of efficient technologies of using known methods of health impact and diagnosis of the human condition, especially when it conserns biometric techniques, which enable combininge the subject’s and medicine’s efforts.
3. Cognitive integration of many methods and Technologies in unified DTP. 
4. Informational embeddability of all methods and Technologies in information space, the emergence of specialized sites.
5. Development and availability of database storage and processing.
6. Development of DTP, devices and systems which allow the subject influence effectively on its health, implementing in practice the postulate “health is the product of man’s work over himself” [1].
7. Enhancing the role of humanistic ideology in creation of devices and Technologies.
8. Development of the theory and methods of “virtual clinic” [2].
It is difficult to separate modern treatment and recovery from each other. Anyway, both of them became cognitive process associated with the consumption of knowledge for its decisions.
The Development of modern medicine seems the most promising exactly in the direction of cognitive science, which predetermines the solution of the main basic question about subjectivity of health. 

1. Pavel Tukabaev "Health and Wellness" (automated system for the prevention and recovery of human based on biotech and information technology for virtual clinic), a monograph, ISBN 978-5-8323-0516-5
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